Woo!!!!!!, woooo!!!!!!!!. So I was nominated for a LIEBSTER award by http://www.kazinidaily.com/. Thank You for the nomination.
This award is given to new and upcoming bloggers with less than 200 blog followers, it is a great way to discover new blogs and get to know other bloggers, promoting and supporting upcoming blogs.
The rules are:
You must link the person’s blog who nominated you for the award.
Answer the 11 questions given by the person who nominated you.
Pick an additional 5-11 people to nominate with UNDER 200 blog followers.
You cannot nominate the blogger who nominated you.
You must inform the nominees that have been nominated.
Kazini's questions
1. What do you like most about your blog ?
I guess the fact that it is simply what goes on in my head.
2. What do you hate most about it?
It has so little
3. Which of your posts had the highest stats? Why do you think this was so?
My Women's Day post. I think that's probably because many people (men) were kinda thinking about it too.
4. How many times do you blog per week?
I'm still a bit new so i really don't know.
5. What inspires your posts?
My mind , events , places , people , conversations.
6. What do you like most about my blog? *VANITY*
Takes fan to reduce the flush from blushing
I guess the fact that its not centered on one topic.
7. So far, which has been your favorite post on Kazini Daily?
What valentines should be.
8. Any recommendations, additions/deductions, you would like to see on my blog?
none, yet.
9. Do you ever get a ’blogger’s block ’(my new invented word like a writers block)? How do you deal with this to prevent long hiatus’ from posting to your blog?
I just started blogging and i already do. I write stuff down in my journal but i don't feel like they're goo enough to be posted. I don't know how else to deal with it , but just keep on writing.
10. How did you feel when you were nominated for Liebster?
Shocked and excited.
11. Do you like this photo? *Ok..ran outta questions..you must surely understand how Monday mornings can sometimes be*
What photo?My Nominees are ;
My questions to the nominees.
1. Why did you start blogging ?
2. What is your most favorite post on your blog ?
3. what inspires you most ?
4. What is your least favorite post on your blog ?
5. What blog do you like to visit most ?
6. What do you enjoy most about blogging ?
7. If you could meet one person in the world , who would it be ?
8. How many times do you check your blog stats ?
9. What do you think of your first post ?
10. What is your blog about to you ?
11. How did you feel when you knew you've been nominated for the Liebster awards ?
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